Ray Of Moonlight - Sedanur Gönen - Cinius Yayınları

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Sometimes I feel like I‘ll never be able to write a story without two different plots struggle against each other on my mind. When I‘m finished, I go through it time after time making a number of changes, which is getting very exhausting sometimes. But, don‘t get me wrong! There‘s nothing I complain about writing since it has always been the best thing which makes me feel so good inside.It is said that a writer leads two different lives. One of them is her own life, and the other is the life in the book she writes. I agree with this statement. Because, if you can‘t feel the story that you make up in your mind, you probably won‘t make the best of it.Sedanur Gönen grew up in Adana and Eskişehir. She studied ELT (English Language Teaching) in Çukurova University. She has written many stories and fiction novels since her preteen years. Ray of Moonlight is her first English novel. She currently lives in İstanbul.
144 Sayfa
2. Hamur Kağıt
13.00x20.00 cm
Basım Yılı:
Nisan 2010